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AP 2520 Multifunctional Coolant Conditioning

AP 2520 Multifunctional Coolant Conditioning


    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AP 2520 is a multifunctional zinc / phosphate / phosphonate based mixture of scales and corrosion inhibitors


    • Specially designed for open cooling systems in a wide range of hardness in alkaline environment with excellent scale control.
    • Excellent corrosion protection on C-steel extends equipment life even in highly corrosive environments
    • It can work in alkaline pH, which creates a buffer against pH disasters.
    • Perfect for systems with long holding times and high water temperatures
    • It is easy to apply and control.


    The dosage amount of the product varies depending on the operating conditions of the system and the water chemistry.  ESLI  Your representative will recommend the appropriate dosage amount to ensure maximum conditioning performance based on specific system parameters.

For detailed information about the product, a price offer for your projects and your questions


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