Calcium magnesium ions dissolved in water cause hardness in water. Tetra water softening systems; They are systems that remove Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) ions in water that cause hardness. For this reason, the softening system ensures that the hardness of the water is removed, and the softening of drinking water also improves the taste of the water.
Softening systems perform the regeneration processes by themselves without any intervention, on the desired day of the week, at the desired time. The resin, which has reached saturation, is regenerated with salt water and is cleaned of calcium and magnesium ions.
With WCY brand FRP tank
Aqualine brand cationic resin
Maximum working pressure 6 bar
Bottom and Top Diffuser structure (There are different options according to the capacities.)
Control Valves (Different models are used according to customer request.)
150 g salt consumption is accepted for 1 liter of resin.
Resin capacity 6000 Fr/liter resin accepted